Hope Springs Internal™

January 10, 2016

Feeling Stuck in Your Job? Tips to Adjust in a Slow Economy

Filed under: coaching — by latancs @ 11:41 am
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Many are stuck in a job they hate because they can’t afford to quit or can’t find other employment under these weak economic conditions. If you can’t change jobs, then you must change your attitude. Begin by asking yourself—what worked for me? Most people enjoy a honeymoon phase in the early stages of a job. What was it that made the job enjoyable or enticing in the first place? What has changed?  Often this kind of introspection brings about a realization that it’s the de-motivating aspects of the job getting you down rather than the entire job. Try to find ways to tame the more unpleasant aspects of your employment. Understand first of all that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses; don’t resort to comparisons among people who might excel at what you detest. If you’re able, reassign tasks, collaborate or find another position or department within the company where you can make the highest and best use of the skills you do have. After all, if you’re working at your highest level of motivation and efficiency, you’ll feel empowered rather than “stuck.”


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